Sunday, September 26, 2010


There are so many reasons I love this - The colors, The expressive calligraphy work, etc.
I love how a simple envelope turns into a work of art... It would be amazing to recieve this
in your mailbox! This is an invoice from a magazine but You wouldn't be able to forget
to pay this bill. This inspires me to start work with calligraphy. This piece has a great sense of balance and the hierarchy is clearly defined.

James Brown

James Brown Poster
The reason I choose this piece to share with you today is because of the clear movement 
it portrays and the amazing type work. Even if your not familiar with this music this
poster gives you an idea of what it sounds like which is defines a great graphic design piece.
The splashes of color in the rays of background add interest and breaks up the monochromatic
blue color scheme. This poster overall is impressive and expressive!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Book Cover Design

I found photos of this book cover online and was instantly drawn to it. The image was so strong that they could loose the title and you would still understand the emotion coming from this piece. Now, I haven't read this book but I feel like using just the simple combination of grey scale represents it well. I like that you get exactly what you need from this... the author and title right away... while still making you curious to the books content and story. I believe that sometimes in graphic design we go overboard adding more and more elements to things when sometimes less really is more.