Sunday, August 29, 2010

Metallica CD Cover

Metallic CD Cover - Death Magnetic
I saw this in target the other day while browsing the cd section. I love the three dimensional aspect of this cover. It grabs your attention and brings life to a design aspect that is usually two dimensional. The different pages of the booklet create a new level of the grave image. I love the way the outside around it is done very simply to keep the main focus the three dimensional design.

Monday, August 23, 2010


I enjoy this piece because of the intense movement and energy of it. The eye floats around the piece trying to take in every detail. The whimsical feeling makes you feel like the little boy is floating above the earth. The clouds in the piece are light and wispy which help to the emotion of the overall piece. The pieces that make up the composition are very chaotic yet have balance.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Welcome to my graphic design history blog!
All About interesting pieces I find :)